Benefits of urban vegetation in Ōtautahi/ Christchurch
Data and Resources
Methods summaryPDF
Overview of methods used to generate the datasets.
Carbon stocksTIFF
Above-ground tree biomass carbon stocks. Carbon stocks were estimated using an allometric scaling approach. Individual tree locations, maximum canopy height, and diameter at breast height were...
Runoff retentionTIFF
The proportion of incoming rainfall retained by vegetation. Runoff retention was modelled following a curve number approach, using hydrological group and vegetation class information, and modelled...
Removal or particulate matter air pollution (PM10)TIFF
The contribution of vegetation to removing particulate matter pollution from the air, in particular pollution smaller than 10μm in diameter (PM10). The approach assumed a background concentration...
Erosion controlTIFF
The proportion of potential soil erosion prevented by vegetation. A soil loss equation model was implemented to estimate mean annual erosion rate due to surficial processes. The model incorporates...
Shade provisionTIFF
The proportion of time that vegetation was providing shade at ground level during a summer day. A three-dimensional ray shading model was implemented and shade provided by vegetation which would be...
Green spaces for educationTIFF
Percentage of green cover within each school as an indicator of green space accessibility during a child’s formal education experience. This indicator is mapped in relation to the nearest school to...
Private green spaceTIFF
Area of private green space for each household averaged across a 500m grid. Private green space was estimate by cross-referencing the boundaries of individual residential properties against a...
Public recreation spaceTIFF
The minimum Euclidean distance to a public recreational outdoor space for individual households, averaged across a grid. Public outdoor spaces were identified using the city land zoning dataset.
Bird biodiversityTIFF
Number of bird species that you might expect to see during one hour. The model was parameterised using records of species richness sampled by citizen scientists through the New Zealand Garden Bird...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Theme | |
Author | |
Maintainer | Dan Richards |
Maintainer Email | Dan Richards |
Source | |
Source Created | Unknown |
Source Modified | Unknown |
Language | English |
Spatial | |
Source Identifier |