Wellington’s natural environment is unique, with much of the city’s distinctive identity, its ‘sense of place’, reflected in its open space and natural areas. The City has an extensive network of open space and natural areas embedded within the city structure and Inner Town Belt, running out through the suburbs to the Outer Green Belt and beyond into our rural hinterland. The network encompasses a wide variety of environments - from coastal habitats to hilltops and from native bush to playing fields and parks available to passive and active recreational users.Our natural environment encompasses a wide variety of areas with recreational, ecological, landscape and natural heritage values - reserves, the Inner Town Belt and Outer Green Belt, coastal areas, sports fields, playgrounds and other outdoor recreation facilities – most of which are in public ownership.Layer includes data for:Inner town belt.Outer green belt.Wellington botanic gardens.Otari-Wilsons bushZealandiaSport and Recreation reserves.City, suburb and neighbourhood reserves.Walks and walkways.For more information contact the Planning for Growth team: planningforgrowth@wcc.govt.nz