Data from: Using spatial models to identify refugia and guide restoration in response to an invasive plant pathogen

These spatial layers were generated and published in: McCarthy, J. K., Wiser, S. K., Bellingham, P. J., Beresford, R. M., Campbell, R. E., Turner, R., & Richardson, S. J. (2021). Using spatial models to identify refugia and guide restoration in response to an invasive plant pathogen. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58, 192–201. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13756.

This paper maps the range of New Zealand's Myrtaceae (species distribution models, SDMs), and identifies and quantifies the proportion of those ranges with the potential to act as refugia from myrtle rust, an invasive fungal pathogen.

For each Myrtaceae species assessed we include layers describing: distribution, potential refugia (under two myrtle rust scenarios, described in the paper), and potential restorable refugia (also under two scenarios). We also include the version of myrtle rust infection risk used in the paper, and layers for both myrtle rust scenarios.

The generation of the SDMs was originally funded by the Ministry for Primary Industries, detailed in the report: McCarthy JK, Richardson SJ, Cooper JA, Bellingham PJ, Wiser SK 2019. Species distribution models of the native New Zealand Myrtaceae. Biosecurity New Zealand Discussion Paper No: 2019/22, Wellington, NZ, Ministry for Primary Industries.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author McCarthy, James K. & Wiser, Susan K. & Bellingham, Peter J. & Beresford, Robert M. & Campbell, Rebecca E. & Turner, Richard & Richardson, Sarah J.
Maintainer James McCarthy
Maintainer Email James McCarthy
Source Created Unknown
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 February 2024, last updated 1 February 2024