Motor Vehicle Register API

A point-in-time ‘snapshot’ of all vehicles currently registered in New Zealand. The data relates to currently-registered vehicles as recorded on the Motor Vehicle Register (MVR).

We update it monthly, so it's accurate up to the end of the previous month. 

Download this data as zipped CSV files

Registration is the process where we add a vehicle’s details to the MVR and issue its number plates. It is not the same thing as vehicle licensing, also called ‘rego’.

To give you a quick overview of the data, see the charts in the ‘Attributes’ section below. These will give you information about each of the attributes (variables) in the dataset.

Each chart is specific to a variable, and shows all data (without any filters applied).

Motor Vehicle Register data - field descriptions

Data reuse caveats: as per license.

We’ve taken reasonable care in compiling this information, and provide it on an ‘as is, where is’ basis. We are not liable for any action taken on the basis of the information. For further information see the Waka Kotahi website, as well as the terms of the CC-BY 4.0 International license under which we publish this data.

CC-BY 4.0 International licence details

Variables in the dataset are formatted for analytical use. This can result in attribute charts that may not appear meaningful, and are not suitable for broader analysis or use. In addition, some variables are not mutually exclusive and should not be considered in isolation. As such, these charts should not be taken and used directly as analysis of the overall data.

Data quality statement: this data relates to vehicles, not people.

We have included some information about vehicle registered owners live. This is based on the most recent information we have about their physical address. To make sure it isn’t possible to identify a person in the data, we have provided this at Territorial Authority (TA) level. A TA is a broad geographical area defined under the Local Government Act 2002 as a city council or district council. There are 67 TAs consisting of 12 city councils, 53 districts, Auckland Council and Chatham Island Council. 

We haven’t included vehicles that belong to people with a confidential listing. 

We have restricted the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to the first 11 characters – these are generic and don’t identify specific vehicles. 

Data quality caveats: many of the fields in the (MVR) are free text fields, which means there may be spelling mistakes and other human errors.

We have algorithmically cleaned the data to correct identified errors (particularly with respect to a vehicle’s make and model). However, due to the large number of vehicles on the Register we may not have corrected some information.

Additionally, some variables may be subject to differences in how people have recorded details – for example, manufacturers release a variety of sub-models and these may not be referred to, or put into the system, in the same way. 

We have made our cleaning code open source.Vehicle make and model cleansing code (GitHub)

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Waka Kotahi
Maintainer Open.Data_NZTA
Maintainer Email Open.Data_NZTA
Source Created 2021-04-12T05:57:58.000Z
Source Modified 2021-04-29T23:36:40.000Z
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 11 May 2021, last updated 11 May 2021