The Multi-national Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) is a coalition of over 30 countries dedicated to producing high-resolution topographic vector data throughout high interest areas of the world. Data is extracted from high resolution imagery in 1° x 1° cells at a scale of 1:50 000. All data produced must meet a minimum horizontal circular error accuracy of 25m and meet MGCP Technical Reference Documentation (TRD) specifications, which details extraction guidelines and feature catalogues to ensure consistency. Cell and subregion metadata delivered in XML files based on ISO standards 19115 for geographic content and 19139 for XML implementation is available for the data.
MGCP feature geometry is positioned from Orthorectified Very High Resolution Commercial Stereoscopic and Monoscopic Imagery, AAFIF, DAFIF, DVOF, GPS, Topographic Maps and Geonames sources.