Metlink Park and Ride Sites

This dataset holds the locations of the Park and Ride areas in the Wellington Region. These are locations that allow passengers to park their vehicles in order to use the Metlink rail network.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Greater Wellington Regional Council
Maintainer GWRC_Admin
Maintainer Email GWRC_Admin
Source Created 2018-09-06T04:29:24.000Z
Source Modified 2019-05-07T23:02:05.000Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [174.7666, -41.2546], [175.6521, -41.2546], [175.6521, -40.8646], [174.7666, -40.8646], [174.7666, -41.2546] ] ] }
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2022, last updated 2 February 2022