Meshblock 2022 (Centroid Inside)

This dataset contains the inside centroid point layer for the annually released meshblock boundaries for 2022 as defined by Stats NZ (the custodian). The "inside" centroid is a point which always falls inside each meshblock polygon as this is often desirable. The placement of the point is typically in the widest part of the polygon.

The algorithms used are proprietary to ESRI and are related to label placement. Note that the "inside" centroid is NOT always the same as the center of gravity ("true" centroid) of the polygon as in some situations the true centroid may fall outside the meshblock polygon.

The dataset contains the EASTING and NORTHING attributes of the centroid point in NZGD2000 New Zealand Transverse Mercator (EPSG:2193) and LATITUDE and LONGITUDE of the centroid point in decimal degrees in WGS1984 (EPSG:4326) projection. Non-digitised meshblocks cannot have a centroid.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Stats NZ
Maintainer Stats NZ
Maintainer Email Stats NZ
Source Created 2021-12-01T23:37:24.259294Z
Source Modified 2023-05-25T05:43:23.786037Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[166.4999999, -47.240544780009785], [166.4999999, -34.15981567490804], [180.0, -34.15981567490804], [180.0, -47.240544780009785], [166.4999999, -47.240544780009785]]], [[[-180.0, -34.15981567490804], [-176.1999999, -34.15981567490804], [-176.1999999, -47.240544780009785], [-180.0, -47.240544780009785], [-180.0, -34.15981567490804]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 12 December 2021, last updated 3 March 2025