Meshblock 2018 (high definition)

This dataset is a high definition (HD) version of the annually released meshblock boundaries at 1 January 2018. This HD version is the most detailed geometry, suitable for use in GIS for geometric analysis operations and for the computation of areas, centroids and other metrics. The HD version is aligned to the LINZ cadastre. Stats NZ maintains an annual meshblock geography for collecting and producing statistical data. This allows data to be compared over time. A meshblock is the smallest geographic unit for which statistical data is collected and processed by Stats NZ. A meshblock is defined by a geographic area, which can vary in size from part of a city block to a large area of rural land. Each meshblock borders on another to form a network covering all of New Zealand, including coasts and inlets and extending out to the 200-mile economic zone. Meshblocks are added together to build up larger geographic areas such as statistical area 1 (SA1), statistical area 2 (SA2), and urban rural. They are also used to define electoral districts, territorial authorities, and regional councils. The digital geographic boundaries are defined and maintained by Stats NZ. Meshblocks cover the land area of New Zealand, the water area to the 12-mile limit, the Chatham Islands, Kermadec Islands, sub-Antarctic islands, off-shore oil rigs, and Ross Dependency.

Digital boundary data became freely available on 1 July 2007.

There are 16 meshblocks not held in digitised form.

For further information see ANZLIC Metadata 2018 Meshblock attachment below.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Stats NZ
Maintainer Stats NZ
Maintainer Email Stats NZ
Source Created 2017-12-01T02:04:51.647518Z
Source Modified 2020-02-18T23:01:01.412846Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[165.9736437566849, -47.62012357912583], [165.9736437566849, -33.95849709933265], [180.0, -33.95849709933265], [180.0, -47.62012357912583], [165.9736437566849, -47.62012357912583]]], [[[-180.0, -33.95849709933265], [-175.37904705445908, -33.95849709933265], [-175.37904705445908, -47.62012357912583], [-180.0, -47.62012357912583], [-180.0, -33.95849709933265]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2020, last updated 3 March 2025