MEP - Heritage Resources

This dataset is part of the proposed Marlborough Environment Plan, as amended by decisions.Depicts the location of listed heritage resources/sites.This will replace the Heritage Sites layer from the MSRMP/WARMP plans.For more information, check the Marlborough Environment Plan website.SymbologySchedule 1 - Outline Width 2 - RGB 168,56,0Schedule 2 - Outline Width 2 - RGB 168,112,0Schedule 3 - Outline Width 3 - RGB 254,177,25

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Maintainer mdcAGSOnline
Source Created 2018-06-20T21:03:16.000Z
Source Modified 2020-03-20T02:04:43.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[173.2574, -42.0882], [174.4419, -42.0882], [174.4419, -41.0627], [173.2574, -41.0627], [173.2574, -42.0882]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 29 January 2020, last updated 10 April 2020