This layer contains the DEM for LiDAR data from Blenheim, the Wairau valley region and lower Awatere river corridor captured in 2014.
Lidar was captured for Marlborough District Council by New Zealand Aerial Mapping in February and May 2014. The datasets were generated by New Zealand Aerial Mapping and their subcontractors. Data management and distribution is by Land Information New Zealand.
Data comprises:
DEM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout
DSM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout
Point cloud: las tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout
Pulse density specification is 1.4 pulses/square metre in open ground.
Vertical datum is NZVD2016.