Orthophotography for the Marlborough region taken during 2011 - 2012. Coverage encompassed parts of the Marlborough District Councils area.
Imagery was captured for the Marlborough District Councils and Terralink International Ltd ’ by Aerial Surveys Ltd, Unit A1, 8 Saturn Place, Albany,0632, New Zealand.
Data has subsequently been provided to LINZ and this comprises:
• 3,610 x ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZTM projection, tiled into the LINZ Standard 1:2,000 tile layout or 1:1:1.000 tile layout.
•Tile layout in NZTM projection containing relevant information.
The supplied imagery is in terms of New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM) map projection. The products are tiled into either 1:1,000 or1:2,000 tiles. Please refer to the supplied tile layout shape file for specific details, naming conventions, etc.
Imagery supplied as 40cm pixel resolution (0.4m GSD), 3-band (RGB) uncompressed GeoTIFF.
The final spatial accuracy varies from +/-2.0m (@ 95% confidence) to +/-10m (@ 95% confidence) - please refer to the supplied tile layout shape file for specific details.
Index tiles for this dataset are available as layer Marlborough 0.4m Rural Aerial Photos Index Tiles (2011 - 2012)