LENZ - Chemical limitations to plant growth

Chemical limitations to plant growth data layer used in the creation of Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) classification. The classification layers have been made publicly available by the Ministry for the Environment (see https://data.mfe.govt.nz/layers/?q=LENZ for to access these layers).

This data layer defines three classes of soil based on factors that lead to the accumulation of chemicals that limit plant growth. Classes were differentiated either by their parent material or by their position in the New Zealand Soil Classification. Three classes of chemical limitations, Low (1), Moderate (2) and High (3). The class defined as "0" signifies areas where there are no soil attributes recorded (i.e. high peaks of the Southern Alps).

Additional details such as discussion about the accuracy and reliability of the LENZ soil layers and the technical definitions of the categories in this layer are defined in the attached LENZ Technical Guide.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Landcare Research
Maintainer Landcare Research
Maintainer Email Landcare Research
Source https://lris.scinfo.org.nz/layer/48086-lenz-chemical-limitations-to-plant-growth/
Source Created 2010-05-30T19:59:26.347377Z
Source Modified 2024-11-15T02:49:52.556698Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[166.1221251745532, -47.31371296266449], [166.1221251745532, -33.9577787508771], [179.60194984406252, -33.9577787508771], [179.60194984406252, -47.31371296266449], [166.1221251745532, -47.31371296266449]]]]}
Source Identifier https://lris.scinfo.org.nz/layer/48086-lenz-chemical-limitations-to-plant-growth/
Dataset metadata created 3 May 2018, last updated 3 March 2025