Languages by meshblock (2013 Census)

2013 Census meshblock dataset contains counts at meshblock levels for selected variables from the 2013 Census. The geographies correspond to 2013 Census boundaries. The counts are at the highest level of each variable’s classification.

Notes: Confidentiality rules have been applied to all cells in this table, including randomly rounding to base 3. -999 indicates cells have been suppressed for confidentiality reasons. -995 indicates cells that could not be calculated.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Stats NZ
Maintainer Stats NZ
Maintainer Email Stats NZ
Source Created 2015-12-11T07:59:35.212903Z
Source Modified 2018-01-08T01:07:27.892298Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[165.9736437566901, -47.62012357912572], [165.9736437566901, -33.958497100234446], [180.0, -33.958497100234446], [180.0, -47.62012357912572], [165.9736437566901, -47.62012357912572]]], [[[-180.0, -33.958497100234446], [-175.3790470543154, -33.958497100234446], [-175.3790470543154, -47.62012357912572], [-180.0, -47.62012357912572], [-180.0, -33.958497100234446]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2020, last updated 3 March 2025