Land Cover Database - LCDB v3.3 Change

This data set (LCDB v3.3 Change) is a mask of non temporal changes made between LCDB v3.3 and the previous version (LCDB v3.0) and temporal change between the 2001 and 2008 timesteps. The non-temporal changes include errors in the earlier mappings and linework refinement, including reversal of over-smoothed hand-drawn linework in v3.0. Errors were identified from; a review of low producing grassland in the South Island, updates from MfE's Kyoto Land Use maps, checks of the dating of v3.0 mapped change, and feedback from users. An “EditDate” and “Authority” attribute are available in this layer indicating the date and source of the change for both non-temporal and temporal changes mapped. The Authority attribute indicates who (or who's dataset) identified the change. Note, where minor line-work improvements were applied using automated processes, the EditDate and Authorify have not been changed (but the “NonTemporal” attribute is still set true). This layer was produced with a tolerance of 50cm as a zero tolerance generates slivers too small for the portal software to project correctly. Funding is from the Ministry for Science and Innovation under contract CO9X1101, which was contributed to by the Ministry for the Environment. The Department of Conservation and individual regional councils and territorial authorities have made significant in kind contributions by checking the draft mapping for their areas of interest.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Landcare Research
Maintainer Landcare Research
Maintainer Email Landcare Research
Source Created 2013-11-13T00:52:29.002077Z
Source Modified 2024-11-15T02:38:36.332054Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[166.44082347878506, -47.282344169201174], [166.44082347878506, -34.14331267282154], [178.5306597463514, -34.14331267282154], [178.5306597463514, -47.282344169201174], [166.44082347878506, -47.282344169201174]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 3 May 2018, last updated 3 March 2025