When nutrients accumulate in lakes (referred to as ‘nutrient enrichment’) above certain levels, they can make the lakes murky and green with algae, and lower oxygen levels. Lakes with extremely poor water quality are rarely suitable for recreation and provide poor habitats for aquatic species.
Percentile calculations for the following parameters are provided:
* Trophic Level Index 3 (TLI)
* Chlorophyll-a (CHLA)
* Bottom-water dissolved oxygen (DObottom)
* Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4N)
* Oxidised nitrogen (NO3N)
* Total nitrogen (unfiltered) (TN)
* Dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP)
* Total phosphorus (unfiltered) (TP)
For more information please see:
Larned, S, Snelder, T, Unwin, M, McBride, G, Verburg, P, McMillan, H (2015).Analysis of Water Quality in New Zealand lakes and Rivers: data sources, data sets, assumptions, limitations, methods and results. NIWA Client Report no. CHC2015-033. Available at https://data.mfe.govt.nz/x/DDui3u from the Ministry for the Environment dataservice.
This dataset relates to the "Lake water quality: Trophic Level Index" measure on the Environmental Indicators, Te taiao Aotearoa website.