Impacts of COVID-19 on transport choices survey

This 20MB download is a zip file containing 1 docx document and 2 xlsx spreadsheets.Waka Kotahi has been running an ongoing study across New Zealand for the effects of COVID-19 on transport choices. The study started on 3 April 2020 and runs for 28 waves, with the final wave scheduled to take place in late 2021. This market research analysis was conducted by Ipsos, with the results data kept in the Harmoni application by Infotools, an external vendor.

We have created summarised tables from this data, in the form of an Excel spreadsheet, for release as open data. The data records how New Zealanders felt, behaved and travelled under the different COVID-19 alert levels.The data tables from the study, to allow you to do your own analysis. We have already made analysed data from this study available as reports on the Waka Kotahi website.Read 'covid-19 impacts on transport' reportsComplete open dataset: click on the download button for a .zip file containing this item.

Watch our video about the impacts of COVID-19 on New Zealanders' transport choices

Data reuse caveats: as per license. Additionally, this data is from research currently being undertaken by Ipsos on behalf of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. While Waka Kotahi provided investment, the research was undertaken independently, and the resulting findings should not be regarded as being the opinion, responsibility or policy of Waka Kotahi or indeed of any NZ Government agency. We have removed the data for sample sizes of fewer than 60 people, to protect privacy. Data quality statement: high level of confidence.

Data quality caveats: none known.

Other metadata: technical report - click on the download button for a .zip file containing this itemquestionnaire changes tracking log - click on the download button for a .zip file containing this item.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Waka Kotahi
Maintainer Open.Data_NZTA
Maintainer Email Open.Data_NZTA
Source Created 2021-02-24T00:36:18.000Z
Source Modified 2024-03-11T23:28:35.000Z
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 10 September 2022, last updated 6 March 2025