Household Economic Survey 2020-2021 Household Wellbeing, including Māori households

This information provides a point-in-time snapshot of the experiences of NZ households, Māori households, and people in households as reported in the Household Economic Survey for the year ended 30 June 2021.

These tables contain 2020-2021 Household Economic Survey Household information regarding:

  • Housing affordability by region, by tenure, by ethnicity
  • Low-income housing affordability by region, by tenure, by ethnicity
  • Material hardship by region, by ethnicity
  • Income adequacy by region, by ethnicity
  • Low-income by region, by ethnicity
  • Gini co-efficient by region, by tenure, by tenure short, by ethnicity

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme Household Economic Survey 2020-2021 Household Wellbeing, including Māori households
Author Statistics New Zealand
Maintainer HUD - Impacts and Evaluation
Maintainer Email HUD - Impacts and Evaluation
Update frequency Irregular
Source Household Economic Survey
Source Created 2023-07-12
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
Temporal (From to To) 2020-2021
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 12 July 2023, last updated 12 July 2023