Hokitika sheet, Toaroha and Browning's Pass survey districts. Field sheet

Map on draughting cloth, with annotation in pencil and ink, sparse in detail, in good condition. - Observation measure: observation only. - Map size: B1. - Field sheet for Bell, J.M.; Fraser, C. 1906 The geology of the Hokitika sheet, north Westland quadrangle : with which has been included a small portion of the upper Wilberforce Valley, in the Waimakariri quadrangle. Wellington: Government Printer. New Zealand Geological Survey bulletin 1. 101 p. - This sheet has two maps superimposed on it, the other is Turiwhate and Otira survey districts RECDOC 51023. Keywords: GEOLOGIC MAPS; HOKITIKA; TAIPO RIVER (HOKITIKA); TURIWHATE; ARAHURA RIVER; TARAMAKAU RIVER


(C) Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author GNS Science
Maintainer Data Manager
Maintainer Email Data Manager
Maintainer Phone +64 4 570 1444
Update frequency Irregular
Source Created 1905
Source Modified 2019-08-22T15:01:18
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[171.13169359480696, -43.071733798227285], [171.416580222712, -43.071733798227285], [171.416580222712, -42.86282743921728], [171.13169359480696, -42.86282743921728], [171.13169359480696, -43.071733798227285]]]}
Source Identifier caa45d81-7a3c-451e-994e-044d34e92d41
Dataset metadata created 15 June 2022, last updated 15 June 2022