GWRC Proposed Natural Resources Plan - Schedule A - Outstanding Waterbodies

Outstanding waterbodies in the Wellington region including lakes, rivers and wetlands with biodiversity values for indigenous species.Schedule A1: Rivers with outstanding indigenous ecosystems values. Values include aquatic plants; indigenous fish diversity; threatened fish species; wildlife habitat; high macroinvertebrate health.Schedule A2: Lakes with outstanding indigenous ecosystems values. Values include aquatic plants; indigenous fish diversity; threatened fish species; wildlife habitat; high macroinvertebrate health.Schedule A3: Wetlands with outstanding indigenous biodiversity values Values relate to representativeness, diversity and rarity of the the wetalnds and the associated indigenous biodiversity.The wetlands on this schedule meet the definition of a natural wetland, and have been assessed against the Policy 23 criteria for indigenous biodiversity values in the Regional Policy Statement. Outstanding wetlands have been assessed as:Representative - Wetlands that are the best, or one of the best remaining examples that are typical and characteristic of the full range of the original or current natural diversity of ecosystems and habitat types in the region; ANDRarity – contains an indigenous ecosystem or habitat or biological community or physical feature that is nationally rare or threatened or distinctive ORHabitat for more than two threatened species of flora and fauna; ORDiversity – a high natural diversity of ecological units or ecosystems or physical features or the full range of expected natural diversity; ORa high natural diversity of species of flora and fauna or the full range of the expected natural diversity.Assessment of values is based on field surveys, desktop analysis, and expert opinion including the following reports:Boffa Miskell Ltd (2011) Desktop delineation and assessment of significance of wetlands of the Wellington Region. Prepared for GWRC.Wildlands Consulting (2012) Extent and significance of Wairarapa Moana Wetlands and Lake Pounui. Prepared for GWRC.Wildlands Consulting (2013) Wellington Region Wetlands: field assessment of extent and significance. Prepared for GWRC

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Greater Wellington Regional Council
Maintainer GWRC_Admin
Maintainer Email GWRC_Admin
Source Created 2016-06-08T23:50:05.000Z
Source Modified 2019-05-07T22:59:14.000Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [174.8551, -41.4322], [175.5905, -41.4322], [175.5905, -40.7314], [174.8551, -40.7314], [174.8551, -41.4322] ] ] }
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2022, last updated 2 February 2022