Intended UseThe Groundwater Quality Zones layer shows all zones with quality limits for the Canterbury region that have been defined in the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) and various regional plans. This layer compiles several zone types from different plans, including: groundwater provinces, groundwater allocation zones, nitrate management areas, sub regional areas, sub regional zones, and freshwater management units.Layers were digitised to cadastral accuracy (1:10,000 scale), but recommended use is at the 1:50,000 scale or smaller.For further information on plans and associated planning boundaries, please visit and information is accurate to the best of Environment Canterbury’s knowledge and belief. While Environment Canterbury has exercised reasonable skill and care in the preparation, recording and management of this information, this information is under development and is provisional information only. It has not yet been checked using the Council’s Quality Assurance procedures. The information may be subject to significant changes and is not citeable until reviewed and approved by Environment Canterbury.Information users are cautioned to consider carefully the nature of the provisional information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves monetary or operational consequences. Environment Canterbury accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damage, loss, injury or expense that arises from any errors in the information, whether due to Environment Canterbury or a third party, or that arises from the provision, use, or misuse, of the information available from this site.Attribute InformationSpatialIDs: ObjectID, SpatialUnitIDName – groundwater quality zone name as defined by the planPlan• LWRP – Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan• LWRP_PC7 – Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan Change 7• HWRRP – Hurunui and Waiau River Regional Plan• PCEFWARP – Pareora Catchment Environmental Flow and Water Allocation Regional Plan• WCEFWARP – Waipara Catchment Environmental Flow and Water Allocation Regional Plan• WCWARP – Waitaki Catchment Water Allocation Regional PlanPlan Status• Operative - operative plan holding legal bearing• Proposed-Notified - publicly notified proposed plan• Proposed-Decision - hearing decision version of the proposed planZone Type – quality zone type as defined by the planFMU – freshwater management unit name, if applicable, as defined by the planPlan Change – refers to the plan change numberSub Region – Sub Regional Chapter Boundary as defined by the planGIS Metadata Fields: CreatedBy, CreatedDate, ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate, SourceCode, QARCode, Perimeter_M, Area_M2, Area_HA, Shape, GlobalID, Shape.STArea(), Shape.STLength()