The current New Zealand greenhouse gas inventory derives implied emission factors that vary between animal types (Ministry for the Environment, 2010). The spatial distribution of animal numbers (dairy, sheep, beef, and deer) was modelled using a land-use map derived from AgriBase (AgriQuality New Zealand, 2003) and the land cover database (LCDB4.1, Manaaki Whenua, 2015). The number of animals were scaled using statistics of livestock numbers at the regional level (Agricultural Production Census (APS), Statistics New Zealand, 2017) and spatially distributed the animals using the potential carrying capacity from fundamental soil layers (Landcare Research, 2011a). N.B. Deer numbers were missing from the APS data for 2015-16 for the Taranaki region which results in reduced GHG values for the region. New Zealand-specific emissions factors were then applied using the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) methodology for the agriculture sector for methane and nitrous oxide emissions (Ministry for the Environment, 2010).
Units: tonnes of CO2 equivalent/ha/year