General Electoral District 2014 is the definitive set of 2014 general electoral district boundaries as defined by the Representation Commission. Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and Stats NZ are the custodians. These boundaries comprise the general electoral districts as constituted under the Electoral Act 1993. General electoral districts extend to the 12-mile limit and are defined at meshblock level. The number of general electoral districts, and electoral populations for each electorate, are calculated using formula in the Electoral Act 1993. The Representation Commission is convened by the Surveyor-General every five years following a Census of Population and Dwellings, and Māori Electoral Option. Its role is to re-draw electoral boundaries to make sure each electorate has about the same number of people. When setting the boundaries, the Representation Commission also considers existing boundaries, community of interest, the infrastructure that links communities (such as main roads), topographical features, and any projected variation in the population of those districts during their existence. General Electoral District is a flat classification with 64 categories. These boundaries were used for the 2014 and 2017 New Zealand general elections.
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