The funding and transport dashboard shows funding and performance data for the following transport-related activities.
Expenditure on major transport-related activities by Approved Organisations.
Performance of public transport services provided by Approved Organisations.
Performance of total mobility services provided by Approved Organisations.
Vehicle use (VKT, or ‘vehicle kilometres travelled’) within Road Controlling Authority areas, in each region and in New Zealand.
The condition of the surface and pavement of local roads and state highways, as well as the quality of ride people experience by Road Controlling Authority areas, each region and New Zealand as a whole.
The number and length of infrastructure in Road Controlling Authority areas, each region and New Zealand as a whole.
The number and length of roads built, reconstructed or ‘seal extended’ in Road Controlling Authority areas, each region and New Zealand as a whole.
You can find further information underneath the dashboard, including caveats, a glossary and a user guide.