Fire and Emergency NZ Localities

The Fire and Emergency NZ Localities dataset provides suburbs (urban areas) or localities (rural areas) for all New Zealand. The data also includes in-use geographical names and alias names.

The complete dataset is comprised of this spatial dataset, as well as three aspatial auxiliary tables.

NZ Localities are used by Fire and Emergency NZ for locating and responding to emergencies within New Zealand. Coverage includes the New Zealand mainland, Stewart Island/Rakiura and offshore islands, as well as lakes and inland islands.

This dataset is maintained by Fire and Emergency New Zealand and has been made available via the LINZ Data Service as part of LINZ’s key datasets for resilience and climate change programme.

For detailed metadata about this dataset, see the attached Fire and Emergency NZ Localities Data Dictionary below.

Licensing The Fire and Emergency NZ Localities dataset is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0). However, an additional request has been made to users of this dataset.

Important: This dataset is used by Fire and Emergency New Zealand in the delivery of emergency services and helps in confirming where to send emergency services. As such, the factual accuracy of this data is very important.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand therefore requests that you do not:

  • alter the data in any way that changes its factual accuracy. For example, do not change suburb boundaries and/or naming conventions; and

  • knowingly make any misrepresentations or misstatements about the data or Fire and Emergency New Zealand; and

  • knowingly do anything that adversely reflects on the data, or the reputation of Fire and Emergency New Zealand.

Official names The Fire and Emergency NZ Localities dataset currently contains many names that are not the official names for those features, suburbs or localities. The New Zealand Geographic Board (Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008, Section 32 requires all official documents to identify names which are not the official place names as recorded in the New Zealand Gazetteer. Please refer to the New Zealand Gazetteer for information on which names are official in this dataset.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Email Land Information New Zealand
Source Created 2020-08-05T01:39:24.680451Z
Source Modified 2020-09-24T20:44:11.589123Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[166.26203798203142, -47.22312300366114], [166.26203798203142, -34.12956498266628], [180.0, -34.12956498266628], [180.0, -47.22312300366114], [166.26203798203142, -47.22312300366114]]], [[[-180.0, -34.12956498266628], [-175.9066933083577, -34.12956498266628], [-175.9066933083577, -47.22312300366114], [-180.0, -47.22312300366114], [-180.0, -34.12956498266628]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 October 2020, last updated 1 October 2020