Fault zones for the Martinborough Fault, Wairarapa, NZ

Along the 1.5 km lengthof the Martinborough Fault a zone has been defined that encompasses the area of most intense folding. This zone is 300-450 m wide, and, using the terminology in the MfE guidelines, it is attributed as having a Distributed Fault Complexity. This zone of deformation has been extended to the northeast and southwest across younger alluvial terraces (less than 15,000 years old) to encompass deflected streams and subtle (sub-metre) flattening of topographic gradients. These extended zones are attributed as having an Uncertain - poorly constrained Fault Complexity.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Maintainer GibsonJ_GWRC
Source http://data-gwrc.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/bab781c00755461e97665a67ed3de347_15
Source Created 2016-06-08T04:12:27.000Z
Source Modified 2019-05-07T22:57:33.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[175.4044, -41.2389], [175.4438, -41.2389], [175.4438, -41.2164], [175.4044, -41.2164], [175.4044, -41.2389]]]}
Source Identifier http://data-gwrc.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/bab781c00755461e97665a67ed3de347_15
Dataset metadata created 6 February 2020, last updated 2 September 2020