This dataset measures extreme rainfall at 30 sites across Aotearoa New Zealand from 1960 to 2022. We measure the maximum amount of rainfall in a single day (‘maximum precipitationl’), the number of very wet days (‘very wet days’), and the percentage of annual rainfall from very wet days (‘very wet day precipitation percent’). We present trends against the 1961 to 1990 climate normal period as well as the 1991 to 2020 climate normal period for very wet days and the percentage of annual rainfall from very wet days.
site: NIWA climate site
reference_period: Reference period against which the number of wet days was calculated
parameter: maximum precipitation (mm), very wet days, very wet day precipitation percent (%)
period_start: Start of trend period
period_end: End of trend period
p_value: P value
slope: Sen’s slope statistic of rate of change
conf_low: Confidence intervals for Sen’s slope statistic
conf_high: Confidence intervals for Sen’s slope statistic
conf_level: Confidence level (90% or 66%) for Sen’s slope statistic
z: z score
trend_method: Mann-Kendall or Sen’s slope method
n: Number of data points included in trend calculation
note: note on data point
s: Mann-Kendall test statistics
var_s: Mann-Kendall test statistics
tau: Mann-Kendall test statistics
alternative: Alternative hypothesis
trend_likelihood: Likelihood of trend direction adapted from IPCC criteria
lat: Latitude
lon: Longitude
site_simple: site without macrons