Environment Southland Bore Locations

Existing and proposed Bore locations including attributes in the Southland region.

Please note the information extracted here is from numerous 3rd party sources that has not been fully verified by Environment Southland, for specific enquiries please email DataRequest@es.govt.nz and we shall endeavour to assist you.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Environment Southland
Maintainer EnvironmentSouthlandGIS
Maintainer Email EnvironmentSouthlandGIS
Source http://data-esgis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/24fb7bb2a3a649b1a0767c7c33dbfaae_7
Source Created 2017-01-19T21:00:45.000Z
Source Modified 2020-09-02T01:50:26.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[167.1344, -46.8545], [178.0465, -46.8545], [178.0465, -44.6731], [167.1344, -44.6731], [167.1344, -46.8545]]]}
Source Identifier http://data-esgis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/24fb7bb2a3a649b1a0767c7c33dbfaae_7
Dataset metadata created 5 November 2018, last updated 10 September 2020