The information was extracted from the Driver Licence Register (DLR).The data is limited to the following tests sat between 1 January 2010-31 December 2023 (inclusive):Class 1 (Motor Cars and Light Motor Vehicles) learner licence testClass 1 (Motor Cars and Light Motor Vehicles) restricted licence testClass 1 (Motor Cars and Light Motor Vehicles) full licence test.Sat tests refer to tests resulted as Pass, Fail or Terminated. Tests resulted as Terminated have been grouped with Fail for reporting purposes.The data includes tests sat as part of any application type, including:the Graduated Driver Licensing System (GDLS)an overseas conversion applicationa requalification applicationan endorsement application.The data excludes tests sat as part of a cancelled application.Pass rates are determined by the number of tests sat, not the number of individuals who sat a test.If an applicant passes the restricted licence practical test in an automatic vehicle, an 'I' condition (only vehicle with automatic transmission to be used), is added to the licence. In order for a restricted licence holder to have the 'I condition' removed from their licence, the licence holder is required to re-sit and pass the restricted licence practical test in a manual vehicle. The data includes applicants re-sitting their restricted licence test in a manual vehicle to have the automatic condition removed from their licence.Regions are determined by the physical suburb or town recorded against the test site as at 28 September 2021.Address fields are free text and may contain errors which leads to the incorrect region being determined or grouped as "Unknown". Regions grouped under "Unknown" are grouped with “MISC”.Where a test site is not recorded against a sat test on DLR, the identification number of the outlet resulting the test is recorded instead. Therefore, the data provided for some regions are based on the outlet resulting the test, and not where the test was sat.To protect the privacy of testing officers, pass rates for any regions with one or two testing officers conducting Class 1 restricted or full licence tests in any calendar year between 2010-2020 have been grouped with “MISC”. This affects the following regions:Chatham IslandsGisborneMarlboroughTasmanWest Coast.Age / age group of applicants are calculated between the date of birth recorded on DLR as at 28 September 2021 and test date.Data is limited to applicants aged 16 years and over at test date.The minimum age to obtain a Class 1 learner licence increased from 15 years to 16 years on 1 August 2011.Changes were made to the Class 1 full licence test on 27 February 2012.Data quality statement: address fields are free text and may contain errors which lead to incorrect coding.Addresses can often be out of date. It’s therefore difficult to establish what proportion of licence holders are actually still based in a certain location.Address fields are updated when we receive notification of a change of address from the licence holder. Notifications for a change of address may come:directly from the licence holder (for example, the licence holder calling the contact centre and updating their address)as an outcome of a transaction against the licence holder on the DLR (including the processing of an application at a driver licensing outlet with an address update).Data quality caveats: See data quality statement.