Drains near wetlands
Data and Resources
NZ drains layerZIP
This data is as used in the paper (LINZ may update the online version in the future)
NZ wetlands layerZIP
This the NZ wetlands layer used in the paper. See https://www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/freshwater-ecosystems-of-new-zealand/ for information about the layer and others within the wider dataset. To...
NZ lakes layerZIP
This layer was used to delete mis-identified drains from the lidar-derived drains layer. This layer was cropped to the 'study area' but is provided in whole as downloaded from LINZ
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Theme | |
Author | Burge, Olivia R |
Maintainer | Olivia Burge |
Maintainer Email | Olivia Burge |
Source | |
Source Created | Unknown |
Source Modified | Unknown |
Language | English |
Spatial | |
Source Identifier |