During the Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, the distribution of phytoplankton in the southern ocean and Ross Sea was investigated from fifty-seven samples taken at roughly 30-mile intervals between southern New Zealand and McMurdo Sound. The greatest diversity of species occurred between 55° and 60°S, just north of the Antarctic Convergence. Maximum concentration was found at 70° to 72°S, where Corethron crioplhilum was profoundly dominant. A predominately sub-Antarctic assemblage between 52° and 64°S was dominated by nine species not found in significant quantities elsewhere in the series of samples. Only two of these extended in appreciable numbers into the Ross Sea. Six of the commonest species ranged from sub-Antarctic waters southwards across the Antarctic Convergence, and two were not recorded north of the Ross Sea.Surface waters between Dunedin, New Zealand, and McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.Seawater from the ship's firemains were run through nets with two hundred meshes to the inch, and the tap at 1/4 to 1/3 pressure for times varying from ten to twenty minutes. The samples were preserved in two to four per cent neutral formalin and sea surface temperatures recorded at the time of sampling.The scientific names have been mapped to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), using the online taxon match tool.During a cruises of H.M.N.Z.S. Endeavour from 18th to 31st December 1957 forming part of the Trans-Antarctic Expedition, sixty-three 2-ounce jars of phytoplankton were collected between Dunedin and McMurdo Sound.Southwestern Pacific OBIS (2014). Distribution of surface phytoplankton between New Zealand and Antarctica, December 1957 . Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 666 records, Online https://nzobisipt.niwa.co.nz/resource?r=mbis_tae released on June 29, 2014.Cassie, V. 1962. Distribution of surface phytoplankton between New Zealand and Antarctica December 1957. Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958 Scientific Reports No. 7. Trans-Antarctic Expedition Committee, London, 1963. 13pp.