This dataset represents the terrestrial distribution of Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) in New Zealand (mainland New Zealand and Chatham Islands) as at 1 July 2007. It represents this species' final layer as part of the Natural Heritage Management Strategy of the Department of Conservation. Spatial and textual data were collected at the Area level by Department of Conservation Area Office and Conservancy Office staff. Polygons representing the distribution were hand-drawn onto LINZ 260 series topo maps at the 1:250,000 scale. Digitisation of the hand-drawn maps was contracted to Geographx (NZ) Limited. Freshwater lakes, ponds and rivers were clipped from the layer to represent species absence. Further digitisation work was carried out by the DOC R GIS team in Christchurch to re-define selected polygons by species specific distribution drivers; i.e. altitude and habitat guided by LCBD 2. The attribute table may contain references to quantitative datasets of species abundance (where such datasets exist).