Dietary Habits - 2008/09 NZ Adult Nutrition survey

This dataset is part of a selection of findings presented in A Focus on Nutrition: Key findings from the 2008/09 NZ Adult Nutrition Survey. The following subjects are covered on this page: Dietary Habits: Having breakfast every day; Eating from the four major food groups: Vegetables and fruit, Bread consumption, Milk consumption, Consumption of meat, chicken, seafood,processed meat and seafood; Food preparation and cooking practices: Removing excess fat on meat and skin from chicken, Use of spreads and oils, Use of low or reduced-fat varieties of food, Use of salt

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme Health
Author Ministry of Health
Maintainer Health and Disability Intelligence
Maintainer Email Health and Disability Intelligence
Update frequency Irregular
Source Created 2012-12-12
Source Modified 2012-12-12
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 21 May 2018, last updated 21 May 2018