Dataset from "Comparing diversity of fungi from living leaves using culturing and high throughput environmental sequencing''

Supplementary data from Mycologia 109: 643-654, 2017 (DOI 10.1080/00275514.2017.1384712), together with additional unpublished data from Fuscopora truncata leaves from the Hunua Ranges.

Abstract: High-throughput sequencing technologies using amplicon approaches have changed the way that studies investigating fungal distribution are undertaken. These powerful and time-efficient technologies have the potential for the first time to accurately map fungal distributions across landscapes or changes in diversity across ecological or biological gradients of interest. There is no requirement for a fungus to form a fruiting body to be detected, and both culturable and non-culturable organisms can be detected. Here we use high-throughput amplicon sequencing from bulk DNA extracts to test the impact that biases associated with culture-based methods had on an earlier study that compared the influence of site and host on fungal diversity in Nothofagaceae forests in New Zealand. Both detection methods sampled tissue from the same set of symptomless, living leaves. We found that both the culturing and high-throughput approaches show that host is a stronger driver of fungal community structure than site, but that both methods have some taxonomic biases. We also found that the individual trees selected for high-throughput sampling can impact the alpha-diversity detected, and through this could potentially affect subsequent analyses based on a comparison of this diversity.

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Maintainer Peter Johnston
Maintainer Email Peter Johnston
Source Created Unknown
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
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Dataset metadata created 1 February 2024, last updated 1 February 2024