This dataset is the definitive set of annually released community board boundaries for 2022 as defined by the territorial authorities and Local Government Commission but maintained by Stats NZ (the custodian), clipped to the coastline. This clipped version has been created for map creation/cartographic purposes and so does not fully represent the official full extent boundaries. This version contains 187 categories.
Community boards are set up under the Local Government Act 2002 and Local Electoral Act 2001. Their purpose is to administer the affairs of communities with populations not less than 1,500 within rural, urban, or metropolitan districts of a territorial authority.
Local boards also fall within the community board classification. Local boards were introduced as part of the new local government arrangements for Auckland in 2010. Local boards share governance with a council’s governing body and each has complementary responsibilities, guaranteed by legislation. There are 21 local boards in the Auckland Council.
Names are provided with and without tohutō/macrons. The column name for those without macrons is suffixed ‘ascii’.
This generalised version has been simplified for rapid drawing and is designed for thematic or web mapping purposes.
Digital boundary data became freely available on 1 July 2007.