LiDAR elevation data shows land elevation in centimetres above Mean High Water Springs-10 (MHWS10). MHWS10 is the mean high water spring tide exceeded 10 percent of the time. It is often used as a practical high tide level for infrastructure design works, and also for estimating extreme high (e.g. the 100-year Average Recurrence Interval) storm tides.The data was supplied by Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment in Nov 2015 and processed by NIWA for the PCE. It was originally based off the WAGGIS Wellington Region LIDAR captured in 2013. See for more information. NIWA contact is Rob Bell, Principal Scientist - Coastal and Estuarine Physical Processes ( Commissioned by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Supplied by Greater Wellington Regional Council. Original LIDAR elevation data from WAGGIS.Original LIDAR data captured at 1.3 points per square metre, to an accuracy of +/- 0.15m (1 sigma) in 2013-2014 for the WAGGIS (Wellington Area Government GIS) Consortium.This dataset has been simplified by GWRC using an automated polygon simplification algorithm & polygons less than 4 square metres in area have been removed.