Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone 3 (100 years + Rapid Sea Level Rise Scenario)

Feature service for the Open Data portal.Coastal erosion hazard zones are developed at specific locations, considering geology, geomorphology, historic shoreline movement and wave models and use empirical equations to calculate setback distances. The zones do not indicate future shorelines, rather than the area at risk of erosion considering long-term slope stability.Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone 0 (CEHZ 0) = areas currently susceptible to coastal erosion following the failure of an erosion protection structure, assuming the toe of the foreshore or cliff does not retreat from its current position, with no allowance for sea level rise (current day); this zone is only mapped where erosion protection structures are in placeCoastal Erosion Hazard Zone 1 (CEHZ 1) = areas 'likely' at risk of coastal erosion over the next 50 years (66% probability of occurrence), taking into account projected sea-level rise of 0.6m over the next 50yrs (as projected for 2080 under RCP 8.5 median emissions scenario);Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone 2 (CEHZ 2) = areas 'potentially' at risk of coastal erosion over the next 100 years (5% probability of occurrence), taking into account projected sea-level rise of 1.2m over the next 100 years (as projected for 2130 under RCP 8.5 median emissions scenario).Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone 3 (CEHZ 3) = areas 'potentially' at risk of coastal erosion over the next 100 years (5% probability of occurrence), including an rapid sea level rise scenario, taking into account an ‘extreme’ sea-level rise scenario of 1.5m over the next 100 years (as projected for 2130 under RCP 8.5H+ emissions scenario).Note: Dashed lines within Coastal Erosion Hazard Zones 1 and 2 represent areas where the backshore morphology and/or topography changes significantly from that assessed or around stream mouths, reflecting additional uncertainty. For these areas site-specific assessment is required.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Northland Regional Council
Maintainer NRC_admin
Maintainer Email NRC_admin
Source Created 2021-04-19T20:29:55.000Z
Source Modified 2021-05-18T00:04:29.364Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [173.1183, -36.1662], [174.5742, -36.1662], [174.5742, -34.864], [173.1183, -34.864], [173.1183, -36.1662] ] ] }
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 3 May 2022, last updated 2 June 2022