Changes in the conservation status of indigenous species - Number of threatened species with a change in conservation status, by major taxonomic group, 2005–11

The number of indigenous animal and plant species with a change in conservation status is reported as an impact of changes in the state of our fresh water, land, and marine environments. A change in a species’ conservation status reflects a change in their risk of extinction.

This dataset relates to the "Changes in the conservation status of indigenous species" measure on the Environmental Indicators, Te taiao Aotearoa website.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Ministry for the Environment
Maintainer Ministry for the Environment
Maintainer Email Ministry for the Environment
Source Created 2015-09-28T22:59:52.014892Z
Source Modified 2016-02-12T03:03:59.569253Z
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2020, last updated 3 March 2025