<pre class="wrap">Neighbourhoods support the day-to-day living needs of residents by providing quality local living, working and/or recreational environments. This includes:- a mix of uses, and building forms and density that encourage social and economic diversity-providing open spaces that are useable, attractive and respond to the city’s climate.This data comprises a diagram expressing the spatial vision. The diagram is indicative only and may not be used for analysis. Each goal can be represented spatially and, as a whole, provides an organising structure for the elements that will lead towards the Vision. The neighbourhoods of the spatial vision are comprised of two different areas:- Areas of change A Neighbourhoods contained by the hills and sea - development change can be expected - smaller, compact scale neighbourhoods within each will form over time through redevelopment.- Areas of Change B Density of development is varied across the city in response to character values, ground conditions, relationship to movement ribbons.Read about the Central City Spatial Vision here: https://planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/13507/Central-City-Spatial-Vision-final-2020.pdfFor more information contact the Planning for Growth team: planningforgrowth@wcc.govt.nz</pre>