Canterbury Fault Awareness Areas 2019

The fault awareness areas show areas where there may be a surface fault rupture hazard. Surface fault rupture is the permanent breaking, ripping, buckling or warping of the ground on or near the line where a fault meets the ground surface, as a result of movement on the fault. It is different from earthquake shaking.

This dataset has been compiled from individual district fault datasets and reports developed for Environment Canterbury by GNS Science between 2009 and 2019: Kaikoura (2015, updated 2018), Hurunui (2012), Waimakariri (2013, updated 2019), Selwyn (2013), Ashburton (2009), Timaru (2017), Mackenzie (2010), Waimate (2017) and Waitaki (2017). There is no dataset for Christchurch City as there are no known earthquake faults at the ground surface in the Christchurch City or Banks Peninsula area.

This dataset has been created as recommended in Barrell, et al, 2015, Guidelines for using regional-scale earthquake fault information in Canterbury. GNS Science Consultancy Report 2014/211. A 125m or 250m buffer was placed around the mapped fault traces to create this polygon dataset, depending on how certain the fault is, and how well expressed it is at the ground surface. Definite (well expressed and moderately expressed) fault and monocline records and likely (well expressed and moderately expressed) fault and monocline records have a 125m buffer, recognising that the mapped location of the fault is fairly well constrained and is reasonably close the actual location. All other faults and monocline records have a 250m buffer, recognising that the mapped location is not as well constrained. See Barrell, et al, 2015 for a full description of the method used to create this polygon dataset, and recommended actions for each type of area.

More detailed fault avoidance zone mapping has been undertaken for several faults in Kaikoura, as well as the Hanmer Fault (Hurunui District), Ashley Fault (Waimakariri District), Greendale Fault (Selwyn District) and the Ostler Fault (Mackenzie District). These areas have been clipped out of this dataset and the more detailed datasets should be referred to in these areas.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Canterbury Regional Council
Maintainer canterburymaps
Maintainer Email canterburymaps
Source Created 2018-09-09T20:56:47.000Z
Source Modified 2019-10-30T00:40:54.000Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [169.5011, -45.4876], [174.0611, -45.4876], [174.0611, -41.9273], [169.5011, -41.9273], [169.5011, -45.4876] ] ] }
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 September 2022, last updated 3 March 2025