Orthophotography for the Canterbury region taken between April 2004 and March 2010. Coverage encompassed the entire Canterbury region.
Note: There are currently 358 missing tiles from the dataset.
Imagery was captured for the ‘Environment Canterbury’ Terralink International.
Data comprises:
•5,593 x ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images, tiled into 1:5,000 tile layout
•Tile layout containing relevant information.
The products are tiled into 1:5,000 tiles. Please refer to the supplied tile layout shape file for specific details, naming conventions, etc.
Imagery supplied as 75cm pixel resolution (0.75m GSD), 3-band (RGB) uncompressed GeoTIFF. The final spatial accuracy varies from +/-3.0 m to +/-10m, please refer to the supplied tile layout shape file for specific accuracy.
Index tiles for this dataset are available as layer Canterbury 0.75m Rural Aerial Photos Index Tiles (2004-2010)