Cancer: Historical summary 1948–2015

These tables contain cancer registration and death data for selected cancers by sex, from 1948–2015. Data is presented as numbers and age-standardised rates, for male, female and total population.

Data is sourced from the New Zealand Cancer Registry and the New Zealand Mortality Collection, as well as the Cancer: New Registrations and Deaths publications, Mortality and Demographic data publications and Medical Statistics of New Zealand for data relating to 1948–1960. In this edition, data for a selection of cancers was extracted and recalculated for the years 1996–2015 to reflect ongoing updates to data in the New Zealand Cancer Registry and the New Zealand Mortality Collection. For this reason numbers and rates may differ slightly from those presented in previous cancer publications and tables.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme Health
Author Ministry of Health
Maintainer Analytical Services
Maintainer Phone 0800 855 066
Update frequency Annual
Source Created 30/04/2018
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 30 April 2018, last updated 30 April 2018