Biotic interactions among temperate rainforest trees

Data to support the publication by Hao Ran Lai and others, which analysed tree diameter growth of six focal tree species as a function of neighbour densities and climate, while accounting for potential abiotic and biotic non-additivities arising from neighbour × climate and neighbour × neighbour statistical interactions, respectively.

These resources (data files) represent snapshots of data extracted from the National Vegetation Databank (NVS, for analysis supporting this manuscript. NVS is a living database, and data are subject to error correction and other amendments over time. The most current version of these data can be requested via the NVS website by searching for the datasets:
• NZ Indigenous Carbon Monitoring System: Main 2002-2007 - Stem Diameter
• NZ Indigenous Carbon Monitoring System: Main 2009-2014 - Stem Diameter

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Lai, Hao Ran & Bellingham, Peter & McCarthy, James & Richardson, Sarah & Wiser, Susan & Stouffer, Daniel
Maintainer Sarah Richardson
Maintainer Email Sarah Richardson
Source Created Unknown
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 February 2024, last updated 1 February 2024