Data - Biases in the metabarcoding of plant pathogens

We investigated and analysed the causes of differences between next-generation sequencing metabarcoding approaches and traditional DNA cloning in the detection and quantification of recognized species of rust fungi from environmental samples.

The data support this article: Makiola A, Dickie IA, Holdaway RJ, Wood JR, Orwin KH, Lee CK, Glare TR. 2018. Biases in the metabarcoding of plant pathogens using rust fungi as a model system. MicrobiologyOpen.

The resources (data files) represent the raw sequence data for analysis supporting this manuscript. Leaf samples from 30 sites were collected and analysed using Illumina MiSeq (folder ‘Illumina’), Ion Torrent PGM (file ‘IonTorrent.fastq’), cloning followed by Sanger sequencing (file ‘CloningSanger.fna’). The ‘barcodes.csv’ file contains the barcode names and the corresponding sites.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Makiola, Andreas & Dickie, Ian A. & Holdaway, Robert J. & Wood, Jamie R. & Orwin, Kate H. & Lee, C.K. & Glare, T.R.
Maintainer Ian Dickie
Maintainer Email Ian Dickie
Source Created Unknown
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 February 2024, last updated 1 February 2024