Benefit fact sheets - September 2017

The Benefit Fact Sheets provide a high-level view of trends in benefit receipt. The Benefit Fact Sheets provide breakdowns of overall numbers, where appropriate, by recipient demographics (eg gender, ethnicity, age group, continuous duration of benefit) and location (ie Work and Income region and service centre, regional council, and territorial authority).

Below you can find for the September 2017 quarter, CSV data files which are in a machine readable format, XLSX spreadsheets, and HTML links to the Benefit Fact Sheets homepage which contains high-level commentary, and the CSV data files homepage.

For the previous benefit Fact Sheets release, please go to:

You can also find the next release at:

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme Employment
Author Ministry of Social Development
Update frequency Quarterly
Source Created 2017-10-19
Source Modified 2017-10-19
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 18 October 2017, last updated 17 January 2018