Groundwater is the water stored beneath Earth’s surface in aquifers (layers of water-bearing rock or sand). It is used for human and stock drinking water, irrigation, and industry, and also has a role in sustaining some rivers, lakes, and wetlands, especially during low-flow periods. The health of surface-water ecosystems also depends on groundwater.
Estimated average groundwater volumes by 16 regional councils
* region = Regional Council
* bil_cubicm = Average estimated groundwater volume in billion cubic metres
For more information please see:
Moreau M, & Bekele, M (2015). Groundwater Component of the Water Physical Stock Account (WPSA) GNS Science Consultancy Report 2014/290. 35p. Available at from the Ministry for the Environment dataservice.
This dataset relates to the "Groundwater physical stocks" measure on the Environmental Indicators, Te taiao Aotearoa website.