There are four maindata fields:'AREA' gives the extent of each polygon in square metres. 'ACCURACY' identifies the basis on which the polygon was mapped, such as 'lidar', and whether interpretation was aided by examination in the 'field', or using 'satellite imagery'.'TYPE' classifies the polygon according to landform unit name, as outlined in Tables 1, A1-1 and A1-2 of the report.'Fault_name' identifies the fault with which a tectonic landform (e.g., 'fault/fold scarp') is associated.This dataset was compiled for presentation at a scale of 1:35,000 in the report, but the data were captured at more detailed scales. The geomorphologic map units were drawn on-screen at a scale of approximately 1:10,000, except for tectonic landform map units, which were mapped at ~1:5,000 scale. Locations of the boundaries of the map unit boundaries are considered to be accurate to about +/- 30 m, apart from the tectonic landform unit boundaries, which are considered to be accurate to +/- 10 m at best on the younger river terraces (Okuku Terrace 3/Makerikeri Terrace 2 and younger), but are no better than +/- 20 m on older terrace or hill landforms.The accompanying report is Barrell, D. J. A.; Van Dissen, R. J. 2014. Assessment of active fault ground deformation hazards associated with the Ashley Fault Zone, Loburn, North Canterbury, GNS Science Consultancy Report 2013/173 / Environment Canterbury Report No. R14/77 (Figure 2).