Area Unit 2014 (clipped)

This dataset is the definitive set of area unit boundaries for 2014 as defined by Statistics New Zealand.

Area units are aggregations of adjacent meshblocks with coterminous boundaries to form a single unbroken surface area (land and/or water). Each area unit must be a single geographic entity with a unique name.

The area unit pattern is revised once every five years in the year immediately prior to the taking of a Census of Population and Dwellings.

As at 1st July 2007, Digital Boundary data became freely available.

This generalised version has been simplified for rapid drawing and is designed for thematic or web mapping purposes.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Stats NZ
Maintainer Stats NZ
Maintainer Email Stats NZ
Source Created 2021-07-27T20:22:37.691641Z
Source Modified 2021-07-28T02:30:43.411878Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[166.2620498575015, -47.223047891444764], [166.2620498575015, -34.3926290524929], [180.0, -34.3926290524929], [180.0, -47.223047891444764], [166.2620498575015, -47.223047891444764]]], [[[-180.0, -34.3926290524929], [-175.90572506891684, -34.3926290524929], [-175.90572506891684, -47.223047891444764], [-180.0, -47.223047891444764], [-180.0, -34.3926290524929]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 10 August 2021, last updated 3 March 2025