APIs for Service Innovation

NOTE: This dataset is not maintained. This note was added on the 4th of October 2024 and any resources with dead links removed. For API guidance from the Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO) please check https://www.digital.govt.nz/standards-and-guidance/technology-and-architecture/application-programming-interfaces-apis and email GCDO@dia.govt.nz for more information.

This is a convenient place for the Service Innovation team to keep track of APIs we discover across the New Zealand Government that we find useful for our work (which involves collaborating with agencies to design and deliver new services and reusable components.)

We don’t run or have responsibility for these APIs. We just want to make them easier to find. If you know more APIs please contact us.

This is a short-term exercise and we plan to use what we learn (from collecting and sharing information about APIs and reusable components) to inform future approaches to making it easier for people to discover and use APIs and platforms. Where possible we have linked to the landing page for the API and not directly to the end point API itself – this is so you can get the latest context and information about the API before you use it.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Jim Clendon
Maintainer LabPlus team
Maintainer Email LabPlus team
Update frequency Irregular
Source Created Unknown
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 19 October 2017, last updated 3 October 2024