Index Tiles ONLY, for actual orthophotos see layer Antipodes Islands 0.5m Satellite Imagery Aerial Photos (2019-2020)
Satellite Imagery of the Antipodes Island Group captured between 2019 and 2020. Coverage encompasses Antipodes Island and Bollons Island.
Imagery was captured for Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand by Maxar, Inc.
Data comprises:
• 13 ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZGD2000 / Antipodes Islands TM 2000 projection, tiled into the LINZ Standard 1:5000 tile layout
• Tile layout in NZGD2000 / Antipodes Islands TM 2000 projection containing relevant information.
Please refer to the tile index layer for specific details, naming conventions, etc.
Imagery supplied as 50cm pixel resolution, 3-band (RGB) uncompressed GeoTIFF. The spatial accuracy is < 8.5m at 90% confidence