Annual average temperature anomaly (1909–2013)

Temperature change is influenced by changes in atmospheric composition that result from greenhouse gas emissions. It is also linked to atmospheric circulation changes (eg the El Niño southern oscillation). It can have a significant effect on agriculture, energy demand, and recreation. The primary purpose of the dataset is to provide a long time series which represents the nation-scale state of climate with respect to temperature in New Zealand. Further information can be found in: Tait, A, Macara, G, & Paul, V. (2014) Preparation of climate datasets for the 2015 Environmental Synthesis Report: Temperature, Rainfall, Wind, Sunshine and Soil Moisture. Prepared for Ministry for the Environment. Available at on the Ministry for the Environment dataservice ( This dataset relates to the "National temperature time series" measure on the Environmental Indicators, Te taiao Aotearoa website.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Ministry for the Environment
Maintainer Ministry for the Environment
Maintainer Email Ministry for the Environment
Source Created 2015-10-01T21:42:07.017636Z
Source Modified 2017-10-17T03:35:45.983267Z
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2020, last updated 3 March 2025